Officer Safety

Streamlined Solutions Designed for Officer Safety

Today’s law enforcement agencies realize a greater need for officer safety. Arming officers with all of the information they need is essential to keeping them as safe and effective as possible. At FivePoint Solutions, we deliver customized solutions that will bring a higher level of safety and protection for your law enforcement teams.

What’s Missing in Your Officer Safety Protocols?

When there is a problem with incomplete or inaccurate information, officers are at risk. It is critical that your law enforcement team members have all of the latest information available at their fingertips. This not only keeps them safe but also helps them to do their jobs to the best of their abilities.

Unfortunately, too many agencies rely on outdated information, leaving officers without a complete picture of a case. Another common problem is that officers spend so much time on data entry that it reduces their situational awareness. Whether on patrol or at the station, your officers deserve the best officer safety solutions technology has to offer, so they can make the most of their time and make decisions based on complete information.

Facilitating Safer and Better-Informed Officers

At FivePoint Solutions, we understand the unique needs law enforcement agencies face and can partner with your organization to enhance safety through our innovative software solutions and services. Our FocalPoint Dashboard for Officer Safety and FocalPoint Online Arrest & Search Warrants provide your officers with the real-time information they require to stay safe and effective on the job.

The FocalPoint Dashboard for Officer Safety and Online Arrest & Search Warrants solutions feature:

  • Out of the box and custom dashboard views to RMS, CMS, JMS, and other customer systems
  • Web-based and desktop capability to one or more simultaneous disparate data sources
  • Access with role-based permissions which you can integrate with an Active Directory or use with FocalPoint native built-in security
  • Various dashboards available, including court calendar, jail list, evidence query, offender information, warrant query, warrant served, disposition, and court case

Want to see a demo of these officer safety software solutions? Reach out to our team at FivePoint Solutions online now.

Officer Safety Highlights

Critical Real-Time Info
Increased Situational Awareness
Fewer Distractions While Driving
Real-Time Federated Queries With a Single Sign-On